KINDLES - traducción al árabe
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KINDLES - traducción al árabe



أَثَارَ ; أَلْهَبَ ; اِسْتَثَارَ ; ثَوَّرَ ; حَمَّسَ

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Ejemplos de pronunciación para KINDLES
1. Anita: They're all in Kindle, they're all in Kindle.
Day After Night _ Anita Diamant _ Talks at Google
2. My Kindle is heavy.
Be The Best Person You Ever Met _ Paul Hodson _ Talks at Google
3. than a Kindle.
Quench Your Own Thirst _ Jim Koch _ Talks at Google
4. go straight to Kindle.
The Accidental Apprentice _ Vikas Swarup _ Talks at Google
5. in all Kindle.
The Martian _ Andy Weir LAX _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de KINDLES
1. My friends, book lovers all, have bought Kindles.
2. It kindles the national indignation of the visitors against the thrice–cursed atrocities committed by the Japanese imperialist aggressors.
3. It is this last accomplishment alone that kindles the American mind to hopes of something more than mere mediocrity.
4. Putin‘s UAE Trip Kindles Arab Ties By Anatoly Medetsky Staff Writer Dmitry Astakhov / presidential press service Vladimir Putin listening to a guide‘s explanation as he looks at an exhibit of axes at a museum in Dubai on Monday.
5. Jack Layton Fri Sep 1, 1:16 AM ET OTTAWA (AFP) – The leader of an opposition party has called for the withdrawal of Canadian troops fighting a "George Bush–style counterinsurgency war" in Afghanistan, saying the conflict kindles insecurity here.